Saturday, April 13, 2013

Short-Term Memory Loss

This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 146. Here is what I learned.

I will praise the Lord ·all [with] my life; I will ·sing praises [make a psalm] to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:2 (EXB)

I want to praise the Lord throughout my life. I want to make music to praise my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:2 (GW)

While (as long as): yet, again, besides, henceforth, continuance, repeatedly, still more —again.

The best way to remember something is to talk about—and talk about it often! I have to say, that I’m thankful for my blog. For without my posts, I think I would forget most of the amazing things God has done for me. 

Sadly, when it comes to thanking and praising God for His love and mercy, I have short-term memory loss. I thank God, and then quickly go on about my day..... all to often forgetting the amazing grace and love God provides. And if I don’t stop and praise God, that short-term memory loss turns into long-term memory loss, and I find myself totally forgetting to praise God. 

If I really am to praise God with all my life, throughout my life, as long as I live—then it begins here and now. Praising God isn’t to be only on Sundays, or only on the special holidays. I am to be constantly praising God with my speech, my actions, my attitude. The more I praise God, the more the reasons of praise will “stick in my mind,” and I won’t suffer from “reasons for praise short-term memory loss.”

To create a positive day, and cure my reasons for praise short-term memory loss, I need to be praising God all day, every day!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Heard, because it was Spoken!

Throughout this year, each day of the month, I'm "Treasure Hunting" in a Psalm. I've created a "Ponder Every Morsel of Truth" Book to record the truths as I learn them. The twelfth of each month, I'm studying Psalm 138. Here's what Treasure I found today.

All the kings of the land shall give You credit and praise You, O Lord, for they have heard of the promises of Your mouth [which were fulfilled]. Psalm 138:4 (AMP)

All the kings of the earth will give thanks to you, O Lord, because they have heard the promises you spoke. Psalm 138:4 (GW)

heard: to hear intelligently, attentively, carefully, certainly, consider.

Praise was given to God because the kings of the land, HEARD. If the message isn’t communicated, then people can’t hear.. and there is no praise. 

In the world of twitter, facebook, emails, text messages, etc., we have instant access to telling people what is going on in our lives. We make sure everyone knows what we ate for dinner, or what we are doing at that very instant, or who we just saw, or even our location. 
But how many times do we share what God is doing in our lives? How many times do we share what God is teaching us? How many times do we simply share God’s love with others? How can people praise God... if they don’t hear? And how can they hear, if we don’t speak? 

I think it’s time I evaluate my tweets, wall posts, emails, and even my actual spoken words, to see if I’m speaking about God and His promises. For if I want the ‘kings of the lands” to praise God... it has to start with me voicing reasons that my God should be praised. 

Heard, because it was spoken—and if I want to create a positive day filled with praise to God, I must be speaking about Him! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Pantry is Full, the Storage Unit is Full, & the Trucks are Waiting to Unload

This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 117. Here is what I learned.

For His mercy and loving-kindness are great toward us, and the truth and faithfulness of the Lord endure forever. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Psalm 117:2 (AMP) 

Because ·the Lord loves us very much [great is his loyalty/love toward us], and his ·truth [faithfulness] is everlasting. Praise the Lord! Psalm 117:2 (EXB)

The word “great” means so much! It’s means “strong, powerful, but with blessing”; it is not only great in bulk or number; but it is powerful.

Often I wonder what it would be like to have an unending supply of stuff in my home. The refrigerator would always be filled with yummy food, the pantry would have enough boxes, cans, and spices that I’d be able to cook any recipe without having to substitute. The linen closet would be full of all the cleaning supplies, soaps, shampoos, etc; again so that everything I’d need would be right at my fingertips. 

Yet, although that is wishful thinking to have an unending supply of stuff.... it’s not so when it comes to God’s mercy and loving-kindness. Not only is God’s mercy and love powerful enough to forgive my sin, and it’s so abundant there is a unending supply.

Seems like some days I need more of God’s mercy and love than others. And some days it seems like I’ve needed so much I’ve “used up” His supply... but the truth is that’s impossible. For no matter how much mercy and love I need, there is always more, and God is always ready to give it to me. 

So, not only is God’s mercy and loving-kindness unending, it’s always available for me to accept. Not only is the pantry is full, but the storage unit is full, and then there are trucks just waiting to unload. When I realize how great God’s love and mercy is and that there is literally an unending supply... WOW! How can I not stop and praise God? 

Just knowing that the pantry is full, and the storage unit is full, and the trucks are waiting to unload......that is just a small amount of the unending and powerful mercy and love my God wants to give me. 

To create a positive day, I only need to open the pantry door and see it overflowing with God’s mercy and loving-kindness. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I am Spectacular!

Throughout this year, each day of the month, I'm "Treasure Hunting" in a Psalm. I've created a "Ponder Every Morsel of Truth" Book to record the truths as I learn them. The tenth of each month, I'm studying Psalm 111. Here's what Treasure I found today.

The Lord’s deeds are spectacular. They should be studied by all who enjoy them. Psalm 111:2 (GW)

The works of the Eternal are many and wondrous! They are examined by all who delight in them. Psalm 111:2 (VOICE)

God’s works are so great, worth A lifetime of study—endless enjoyment! Psalm 111:2 (MSG)

"The works of the Lord are great." In design, in size, in number, in excellence, all the works of the Lord are great. Even the little things of God are great. 
"Sought out of all them that have pleasure therein." Those who love their Maker delight in his handiworks, they perceive that there is more in them than appears upon the surface, and therefore they bend their minds to study and understand them. 
"Worthy of being sought after in all their purposes," and this also is a grand truth, for the end and design which God hath in all that he makes or does is equally admirable with the work itself. The hidden wisdom of God is the most marvelous part of his works, and hence those who do not look below the surface miss the best part of what he would teach us. The Treasury of David

I think one of the most special blessings that I have enjoyed the most that has been a result of my chronic pain, is that I’ve learned how truly wonderful God designed the body.

I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul. Psalm 139:14 (VOICE)

I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this. Psalm 139:14 (GW)

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Psalm 139:14 (NLT)

I continue to be amazed at how the body works, and adjusts to various things. This past year, I’ve learned more about foods and how my body uses foods and what it needs to function at its best. I have to say before losing the weight, I simply ate because it all tasted so good! Now, as I continue to learn about foods and how they effect me and my body, I am not only enjoying the tastes of foods, but appreciating what they do for my body. 

Throughout the past, almost 13 years, I have also learned how interconnected the body is. Often I can reduce my headache by massaging or using my Stim-Pro on my foot! Yes, the feet have corresponding points to relieve headaches. The more I study how the body works as a whole and the individual parts, I have to stop and think, “Wow! What an absolutely amazing, awesome God!” And the more I learn about what God created, that should want me to praise Him more, and study His spectacular works more. 

I am Spectacular!
No, not because
of something I’ve done,
rather because
I’m a “spectacular work of God!”

That thought in and of itself should have a great impact on my attitude and actions! Being spectacular, is special, because I was designed by God. And being designed by God, has its responsibilities—that includes praising God and honoring Him with my life. 

To create a positive day, I need to celebrate “I am Spectacular—because I’m a work of the amazing, awesome God!” 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Make My Boss Look Good!

This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 100. Here is what I learned.

Serve the Lord with joy; come before him with singing. Psalm 100:2 (EXB)

Serve: aid, help; supply; Synonyms: arrange, assist, attend to, be of assistance, be of use, care for, deal, deliver, dish up, distribute, do for, give, handle, minister to, nurse, oblige, present, provide, provision, set out, wait on, work for.

My work philosophy has always been, that it is my job to “make my boss look good”. Each aspect of the jobs I have had, would reflect on my boss. And I wanted to make sure that “my boss” always looked good. 

Since I am to do ALL things so that God received the glory, honor and praise, I should be making sure I am making my “Boss” look good! 

As a matter of fact, do everything that way, heartily and freely to God’s glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (MSG)

How do I make God “look good”? He really doesn’t NEED my help... but He allows me to work for Him and with Him to accomplish His will. My responsibility is to first and foremost give God the glory due Him. Secondly, share His love with those around me. And lastly, make sure that I’m willing to do any job that God assigns me—whether or not I “like it”. 

Each and every job that God assigns me has a specific purpose to accomplish His will and plan. I need to remember that I can’t pick and choose which jobs I want to do and which ones to ignore. Some are more pleasant than others, but each task is required to assure that God’s plan is fulfilled in it’s entirety. 

To create a positive day, I need to make sure that I am doing my best to “make my Boss look good”! That means doing each task God assigns me to the best of my ability and giving God the glory due Him.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Do I have my “God-glasses” on?

Throughout this year, each day of the month, I'm "Treasure Hunting" in a Psalm. I've created a "Ponder Every Morsel of Truth" Book to record the truths as I learn them. The eighth of each month, I'm studying Psalm 90. Here's what Treasure I found today.

Show your servants ·the wonderful things you do [your miracles]; ·show your greatness [your splendor/beauty] to their children. Psalm 90:16 (EXB) 

Let Your work of love be on display for all Your servants; let Your children see Your majesty. Psalm 90:16 (VOICE)

Let thy work appear unto thy servants, And thy glory upon their children. Psalm 90:16 (ASV)

I can “see” thing differently depending on my perspective. I noticed this today as I drove to my Chiropractic appointment. When I put on my sunglasses, my vision was sharper and clearer...but the clouds also looked darker. Sunglasses “tint” my perspective. When I had on my “normal” glasses, the sky was brighter, but it was harder to see details due to the glare of the sun. Glasses may make things appear brighter, but I miss the blessings of the details. 

As I look at what God is doing, I wonder which glasses I have on—ones that allow me to see greater detail, or ones that blur my vision so that things may appear brighter, but I miss the details.

Often when God works, He does not show us all the details at once, rather He shows us only what we need to see to be able to take the next step of faith. However, I often try to look in the future to see all the details, but I’m learning, if I try to look too far ahead, I miss what God wants to show me in the “here and now”. 

If I want to see the wonderful things God is doing, I need to make sure I’m wearing “God-glasses” and looking at things from His perspective. If I do see dark clouds on the horizon, I need to be patient and know that if God does send a storm, He will be right there with me. 

To create a positive day, I need to make sure I have on my “God-glasses” so I don’t miss the wonderful things God is doing! 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Message of My Music

This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 47. Here is what I learned.

Make music to praise God. Play music for him! Make music to praise our king. Play music for him! Psalm 47:6 (GW)

Sing praises to God. Sing praises. Sing praises to our King. Sing praises. Psalm 47:6 (EXB)

Sing: to make music (in praise of God); to celebrate in song and music—give praise, sing forth praises, psalms; original meaning hum, murmur.

What is the message of my music? Am I praising God and telling of His great power and mighty works? Or am I murmuring about my troubles and pain? 

The message of my music
has an effect on those who hear it.

First, it has an effect on me. Yesterday, I found this to be true. I was doing some housecleaning, and that always increases my pain. Chores actually hurt. But, I put in my CD’s and found that the song “God is Good” by Don Moen, changed my attitude. I found myself singing along and smiling... in spite of the pain. The message of the music effected my attitude and perspective and sure made finishing the chores easier. 

Secondly, the message of my music has an effect on those around me. If all I do is murmur, complain and talk about how bad things are.... that creates a message of hopelessness and despair. That is not a very uplifting or positive message for others to hear. 

And lastly, but most importantly, the message of my music has an effect on God. On March 28, I wrote about “Praise Looks Good on You”. When we praise God, it’s looks good on us to God. I like to think of it as “making God smile”. When I’m praising God, giving Him the honor due Him, it’s pleasing to Him. 

The message of my music—praise or murmurs of complaints—both will have an effect on me, those around me, and God. The choice of the message of my music is up to me. I can choose which song to sing. I can pick one of “nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen” or I can pick one of “God is Good!” 

To create a positive day, the message of my music must be that of praise and honor to my Almighty and loving God, for then and only then, will my music effect me and those around me in a positive way.