Saturday, June 27, 2015

Work Ethic

If you are looking for the posts about
God's Amazing Blessing
Announcement—I'm moving!
here's the link to the first Part: 

Then follow the arrows at the bottom of each post to the next Part.
There are 10 parts in all.

I recommend that you read each part, there are amazing details—
and God took care of each and every one! 


This post is the continuation of my Study of Colossians.   

For he who deals wrongfully will [reap the fruit of his folly and] be punished for his wrongdoing. And [with God] there is no partiality [no matter what a person’s position may be, whether he is the slave or the master]. Colossians 3:25(AMP)
But he that doeth wrong - It is possible for an unfaithful servant to wrong and defraud his master in a great variety of ways without being detected; but let all such remember what is here said: He that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he has done; God sees him, and will punish him for his breach of honesty and trust. Wasting, or not taking proper care of the goods of your master, is such a wrong as God will resent. He that is unfaithful in that which is little, will be unfaithful in much, if he have opportunity; and God alone is the defense against an unfaithful servant. 
Adam Clarke Commentary

As Christians, there is a higher standard of expectation regarding work ethic. The faithfulness is to God and honoring Him, and that will be reflected in the work done. It's sad that in today's society that many do not know the satisfaction of a job well done. We have come to accept excuses to the lax behavior that we used to call "laziness". 

God views each individual not based on status, but rather as a sinner saved by grace. Therefore, no matter the position, each person is to remember the higher standard regarding work ethic. The servant/slave and master are to both put in a full-day's work each to the best of their ability. 

Having a higher work ethic and doing the very best, begins with a heart that is permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God. For out of the heart, comes the desire to honor God in all aspects of life. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Personal Ultimate Relationship

If you are looking for the posts about
God's Amazing Blessing
Announcement—I'm moving!
here's the link to the first Part: 

Then follow the arrows at the bottom of each post to the next Part.
There are 10 parts in all.

I recommend that you read each part, there are amazing details—
and God took care of each and every one! 


This post is the continuation of my Study of Colossians.   

Knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [real] reward. [The One Whom] you are actually serving [is] the Lord Christ (the Messiah). Colossians 3:24 (AMP)
Ye shall receive: to get back, to recover.
The full recompense: Given back in return.
Ye serve the Lord Christ: As his slaves and gladly so, keep on serving.
Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament
Verse 24 is a continuation of the relationship between Servant and Master in verse 23. Fulfilling responsibilities cheerfully and to the very best of ones ability because the work is being done for God. 
In turn, because the Servants referred to in this verse are Christians, they know that they have an eternal inheritance awaiting them. They may not get paid their just due while working on earth, but none-the-less, they are to continue serving and be the BEST servants because of whom they belong to—God, Himself. 

The truth of this verse is also applicable to all believers. No matter what we do, or for who on earth we do it for, we are to go our utmost best — not for the earthy reward, but because we have a great reward — given to us by grace — eternal salvation! 

How does this impact me on a daily basis? Colossians 3:18-24 have been dealing with relationships. Each individual we come in contact with, we have a responsibility to treat with respect and love. And that is because of all that we have "put on" (Colossians 3:10-17). 

Our relationship should be different, because we have the ultimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Our lives should be different than the unbelievers around us. That does not mean that we walk around with our noses in the air—we are not 'better' than they are—we are sinners BUT, we've been saved by grace! And our relationship with Christ, should impact all we do, say,  and think. 

They only way for me to have relationships with others that is godly, is to be permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31 MSG). My personal ultimate relationship with God starts with knowing Him, and then changing my thoughts, words, and actions to be in accordance with Him and His Word. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cheerful Attitude

If you are looking for the posts about
God's Amazing Blessing
Announcement—I'm moving!

here's the link to the first Part: 

Then follow the arrows at the bottom of each post to the next Part.
There are 10 parts in all.

I recommend that you read each part, there are amazing details—
and God took care of each and every one! 


This post is the continuation of my Study of Colossians.   

Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, Colossians 3:23 (AMP)
Work hard and cheerfully at all you do, just as though you were working for the Lord and not merely for your masters, Colossians 3:23 (TLB)
Whatever the task—no matter what it is—do it with a cheer attitude and to the VERY BEST of my ability. Remember I am working for GOD, not just your employer. 
If you do all your work in that spirit, how noble it becomes, and how cheerfully you will get through it! You may have a master who is unworthy of your service; yet, if you “do it heartily, as to the Lord,” you will have rest of heart even in serving those who are froward and perverse, and the Lord will reward your service in due time. Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible
How often do I do something to the very best of my ability, but the entire time I'm grumbling and complaining about the task at hand? The two (hard work and cheerful attitude) must go together. 
I can't help but think of "Mary Poppin's" as I read this verse. 
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of funYou find the fun and snap, the job's a gameAnd every task you undertake becomes a piece of cakeA lark, a spree, it's very clear to see...."
In each and every task, I am to put my whole heart into it, cheerfully to my utmost best — because I am serving our Great God! 

When my heart is permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God, then that will be evident in my cheerful attitude as I carry out each and every task I'm given.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Castle Painted

The King of king's Castle looks AMAZING,
thanks to an awesome painter! 

Thanking God for sending this painter to His Castle. The painter did a superior job.
This was another blessing that God added to the list, as He takes care of His Castle. 

(For all the details on the King of king's Castle start here:
Painter preparing the Castle for painting.

After all the painting work was done. Looks awesome!  

How We Conduct Ourselves

If you are looking for the posts about
God's Amazing Blessing
Announcement—I'm moving!
here's the link to the first Part: 

Then follow the arrows at the bottom of each post to the next Part.
There are 10 parts in all.

I recommend that you read each part, there are amazing details—
and God took care of each and every one! 


This post is the continuation of my Study of Colossians.   

Servants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not only when their eyes are on you as pleasers of men, but in simplicity of purpose [with all your heart] because of your reverence for the Lord and as a sincere expression of your devotion to Him.  Colossians 3:22 (AMP)
We've all been places where the service is poor, UNTIL the manager walks in, then all the employees start working extra hard. "Only when their eyes are upon you; pleasers of men." 

But as Christians we have a higher motivation and a higher "Boss"—God. No matter the task as hand, we are to conduct ourselves in such a way that brings honor and glory to God. 

Serve the Lord with joy; come before him with singing. Psalm 100:2 (EXB) 
As a matter of fact, do everything that way, heartily and freely to God’s glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (MSG) 

My post, "Make My Boss Look Good!", discusses making sure that I'm reflecting God in all that I do. 

Responsibility on how we conduct ourselves. First and foremost our responsibility is to God. And when we are representing God, we have a responsibility to have a higher standard of excellence than others. 
Showing up late for work, is not an acceptable representation of fearing God. 
And it doesn't matter the job. 
If your job is to clean toilets, then you are to clean them to the best of you ability—because you are not cleaning them for just your employer, you are cleaning them to honor God.

The motivation on how we conduct ourselves,  is because as a Christian, we fear God and He is watching everything we do, all the time.

Fearing God:
What servants do when their masters are absent from them, and to whom they are accountable; and a servant that fears God will make conscience of discharging his service faithfully, will not misspend his master's time, nor embezzle his goods, or waste his substance; but from a principle of reverential affection for God, and fear of him, with a concern for his name, and a view to his glory, will with all diligence, uprightness, faithfulness, and sincerity, do his duty, seek his master's good and interest, and cheerfully obey all his lawful commands. John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
And the only way to make sure that the job is completed in a God-honoring way, is to make sure the list from Colossians 3:1-17 is "put on". 

Having a heart that is permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God, will have a direct impact on how I conduct myself in all aspects of my life. For I am to be reflecting God in my actions, attitude, and words. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


If you are looking for the posts about
God's Amazing Blessing
Announcement—I'm moving!
here's the link to the first Part: 

Then follow the arrows at the bottom of each post to the next Part.
There are 10 parts in all.

I recommend that you read each part, there are amazing details—
and God took care of each and every one! 


This post is the continuation of my Study of Colossians.   
Wives, be subject to your husbands [subordinate and adapt yourselves to them], as is right and fitting and your proper duty in the Lord.
Husbands, love your wives [be affectionate and sympathetic with them] and do not be harsh or bitter orresentful toward them.
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord.
Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children [do not be hard on them or harass them], lest they become discouraged and sullen and morose and feel inferior and frustrated. [Do not break their spirit.]
Colossians 3:18-21 (AMP)

These verses move from how we conduct ourselves in general and with other believers (Colossians 3:1-17) to a more personal setting — relationships in the home. 

Wives, Husbands, Children. 

In today's "feminist" society, verse 18 is frowned upon. But the verse has to be taken into context with verse 19 as well. A husband who loves his wife with the godly love that is based on Christ's love, treats his wife well. And in turn a wife with that same love will allow the husband to be the head of the home and support him. It's all based on the previous verses. This doesn't just happen by magic, no it's all based on "putting on" the character traits listed before. 

Verse 20 address the last relationship of the family—Children. Once again, as the wife and husband demonstrate godly love toward one another and allow Christ to be the leader of the home, children then learn how to obey out of love and respect. 

And the motivation is not for a sticker, or prize, rather simply because it is pleasing to the Lord. And that should be the ultimate motivation for each of us in all we do—because it is pleasing to the Lord. 

Verse 21 again focuses on the Father, the head of the home. The father is to teach and train the child in the things of God and encourage the child as they learn and grow. The "Father/Husband" is an important and vital role in the home. And the other way a Father/Husband can fulfill his responsibility is by having "put on" each item listed in Colossians 3:1-17. 

Even if you are not a wife/husband, you can see from these verses that if we "put on" godly characteristics and if pleasing God is our motivation for living a godly life,  then it will affect each and every area of our lives and our relationships. 

In order to live a life that is pleasing to God—that affects each relationship, my heart must be permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31, MSG).

Monday, June 22, 2015

Do All

If you are looking for the posts about
God's Amazing Blessing
Announcement—I'm moving!

here's the link to the first Part: 

Then follow the arrows at the bottom of each post to the next Part.
There are 10 parts in all.

I recommend that you read each part, there are amazing details—
and God took care of each and every one! 


This post is the continuation of my Study of Colossians.   
And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 (AMP)
Do all.
As I think about ALL I do each day... from the time I get up until I go to bed... that's a lot of "all". 
First look at "word": that includes talking, emails, twitter, Facebook, texting, any and all communication. Think about that last picture you posted on Facebook, or that last RT on twitter — Do all.
Then look at "deed": actions, behavior, achievement, endeavor, no matter what I'm doing, each and every action —Do all.

Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus 
Do it all because he requires and commands it, and with a desire to honor him. His authority should be the warrant; his glory the aim of all our actions and words. Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible
There is no act, however little, which Christ does not see and touch; there is no affection, talent, energy on which He does not put His hand and say, “That is mine,” and which may not be transformed into a worship as sincere as that of the communion; no step we can take in life over which He does not watch, and which may not be made a step on the road that brings us nearer Him; no time here or hereafter when it will not be a delightful duty to “do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” J. Macgregor
Wherever we are called to work we must dedicate the labours of our hands or our brain to God, doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus. H. J. W. Buxton
Do All. 
The only way to DO ALL in the name of the Lord and honor Him is with a heart that is permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31; MSG).

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Full Access and Authority

If you are looking for the posts about
God's Amazing Blessing
Announcement—I'm moving!

here's the link to the first Part: 

Then follow the arrows at the bottom of each post to the next Part.
There are 10 parts in all.

I recommend that you read each part, there are amazing details—
and God took care of each and every one! 


This post is the continuation of my Study of Colossians.   
Let the word [spoken by] Christ (the Messiah) have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in [all its] richness, as you teach and admonish and train one another in all insight and intelligence and wisdom [in spiritual things, and as you sing] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to God with [His] grace in your hearts.  Colossians 3:16 (AMP)
The Word of God dwell in you: 
  • as an inhabitant that takes up its residence and abode, never more to depart;
  • and intends not only a frequent reading, and hearing of, and meditating upon the word of God but continuance in the doctrines of the Gospel,
  • with a steady faith in them, and a hearty affection for them; for such an inhabitation imports a very exact knowledge of the Gospel, and familiarity with it, and affectionate respect for it;
  • as persons that dwell in a house, they are well known by those of the family, they are familiarly conversed with, and are treated with love and respect by them:
  • and so the word of Christ, when it has a fixed and established abode in a man's heart, he has an inward, spiritual, experimental knowledge of it; he is continually conversant with it; this word of Christ is his delight, his acquaintance, with whom he takes sweet counsel together, and esteems it above the most valuable things in the world, and receives and retains it as the word of God.
  • The manner in which the apostle would have it dwell is. 
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
Dwell: inhabit, occupy, exist, be found in, hang around, lodge, abide, establish oneself, make one's home, remain, reside, settle, stay

As I prepare to move into the King of king's Castle, I'm having a new understanding of "dwelling". Living in an apartment, even though I considered it my home, it actually was not. The apartment complex had rules on what could or could not be done. I did not have full access or full authority over what could or could not happen in the apartment. 
The Apartment Management had authority over the carpet color. They had authority over the time and details of the kitchen remodel. They had authority over the appliances. They had authority over all the aspects of the apartment. I was not a permanent resident I was a tenant that did not have full access or full authority. 

Now owning a home, I'm understanding the sense of dwelling. For there is not only freedom inhabiting a home, there is also more responsibility. There are things I have to learn and do to continue to make sure my home is well taken care of now and in the future. I now have full access and full authority to what takes place in my home. 

God's Word is to not be a "renter" where I control what and want not will apply, or "evict" the parts of God's Word I don't like. No, rather God's Word is to have a permanent residence. Full access and authority — given to the "home owner". 

As the Word of God is given full access and authority, the effect will be a heart permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31; MSG).