Friday, December 30, 2016


Thanks Living! 

I was reading Psalm 150 this morning. "Praise the Lord." 
The word "praise" means to celebrate joyously, exuberantly, "foolishly". In other words, "over the top" celebration!  

Sadly, many times my praise is often quiet and subdued. But if I truly think about who  God is, and all that He has done, I should be SHOUTING praise! 

I shout at sporting events... I even shout at the TV when my team scores a touchdown. But I can't shout praise to God Almighty? Perhaps, it's because I haven't taken the same interest in God as my sports teams. 

Praise. If I want to focus on Thanks Living through this coming year, it begins with praise to God Almighty. Praise for who He is, and then praise for what He's done. For only when I have a heart filled with praise, can I truly have a gracious and thankful heart- and mind- set. 

Thanks Living! "Praise the Lord! Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His excellent greatness!" Psalm 150:1a, 2. 

Thanks Living! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2016 — 2017 Thanks Living!


This past year, I focused on "Thanks Living!" and I have to say that it was awesome! I wish I could say that I had a "thankful attitude" 24/7, 366 days, but I did not. (366 - Leap Year). 

However, when I did look for things for which to be thankful—I always found them and I found them in abundance! 

I read this quote the other day, "Attitude determines action and action determines accomplishment." Looking back over the past year, I can say that when I had the attitude of "Thanks Living!" I was more wiling to act in a godly way and that allowed me to accomplish many things.

For 2017, I was thinking of what I'd want to use for my theme, and I was having a hard time deciding what my focus should be. Then I realized, I don't have to change the theme!

So, for 2017, I'm going to once again focus on "Thanks Living!" I want to embrace all that God has to teach me, enjoy all God's blessings, and encourage those around me to focus on "Thanks Living!"

"Attitude determines action and action determines accomplishment." Just think of all that can be accomplished, when the attitude is one of "Thanks Living!"

Looking forward to a "Thanks Living!" filled 2017. 

I hope you will join me!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Thoughts on Christmas

As I think about Christmas, I wonder the emotions in Heaven on that first Christmas day. 
The angels rejoiced on Earth as they shared the great news that a Savior had been born. 

But how did God feel, knowing that He was sending His Son with the sole purpose of a sacrifice for our sin. God knew that His full wrath would be poured upon His only Son, so that we could be forgiven. God knew the entire plan from the manger to the cross. 

Was God rejoicing on that first Christmas day because of His amazing love for us? Was God saddened by what awaited His Son? 

“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16 (AMP) 
Take time this Christmas to appreciate the ultimate gift — the gift of God's dear Son.

Merry Christmas!