This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 92. Here is what I learned.
It is good to ·tell of [proclaim] your ·love [loyalty] in the morning and of your ·loyalty [faithfulness] at night. Psalm 92:2 (EXB)
It is good to announce your mercy in the morning and your faithfulness in the evening. Psalm 92:2 (GW)
To speak of Your unfailing love in the morning and rehearse Your faithfulness as night begins to fall. Psalm 92:2 (VOICE)
Morning: dawn, the beginning of the day
Night: end of the day, darkness
Mornings can be mayhem, mishmash, monstrosity or magnificent, marvelous--depending on how I choose to START my day.
On March 23, 2013, my Ponder Morsel from Psalm 57:8, was Waking up with Great Anticipation! “Psalm 57:8 expresses the same thrill of anticipation concerning praising God. The very thought of praising and giving thanks to God, wakes me up rejoicing! Literally, waking singing a song! ” Waking up with Great Anticipation!
If I want to have a magnificent, marvelous morning, it HAS to start with praising and honoring God! That’s the ONLY way to start my day on a positive note! I’ve learned that when I START my day praising God, I have a “better” day. No, praising God doesn’t guarantee that everything will go smoothly. But, rather I have a “better” day because I have God’s perspective on the day.
Uneasy, unpeaceful, unquiet, unrestful—.uncertainty, uneasiness producing a restless and nightmarish night OR unafraid, unnervous, unworried—unbend, unlax, unwind and drift off into a peaceful sleep. Which night sounds magnificent and marvelous? I’ll pick the unafraid, unnervous, unworried—unbend, unlax, unwind and drift off into a peaceful sleep.
I’ve endured those unrestful, nightmarish nights mostly due to my pain medications. However, I have learned that even in the midst of those unrestful nights, if my focus changes from the pain and uneasiness, to praising God and His faithfulness, I am overcome with peace.
If I want a magnificent, marvelous morning make my day awesome, the moment I awake, I need to praise God for His lovingkindness. And if I want to enjoy a night, unafraid, unnervous, unworried—and drift off into a peaceful sleep, I need to end my day praising God for His faithfulness! Praising God changes a magnificent morning into a positive day and creates a peaceful night.
A magnificent, marvelous morning, a positive day, and an unafraid, unnervous, unworried—peaceful night is possible, if I only take the time to praise and honor my amazing and wonderful God.