Saturday, March 19, 2016

Thanks Living: Actively Giving the Finest

Of all your gifts you shall offer up every heave offering due to the Lord, from all the best of them, the consecrated part of them.’  Numbers 18:29 (NKJV) 
Out of all your gifts, you shall present every offering due to the Lord, from all the best of it, even the sacred part from them.’ Numbers 18:29 (AMP)
Offer up: to be high actively, give, present
Best: the richest or choice part, finest

I've been thinking about this verse: 
And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. Psalm 27:6
And especially about the phrase, "offer sacrifices of joy". 

Joy: alarm, blowing of, the trumpets, joy, jubilee, loud noise, rejoicing, shouting

I am to be highly active in giving the very best toward giving thanks rejoicing to God. 

The very best, the finest. 
That would include all aspects. That means if I am complaining, worrying, anxious, mumbling, etc, my focus and energies are not being active in praising and thanking God. I am "using up" my time, energy, thoughts on the aspects I can see and focusing on what I think are 'good or bad' from my perspective. 

The very best, the finest. 
To be actively giving God the finest—then I really need to be thinking, and living a life of Thanks Living. I cannot use up my mind and thoughts on the selfish and what ifs. Rather, I must be actively giving God shouts of praise and thanksgiving. 

Just think, as my mindset changes to praising God, the what-ifs, the worrying, and the fears of the unknowns no longer get my attention. Rather, they are replaced with shouts of joy and praise, knowing that God Almighty is loving me, caring for me, and working all things out for His glory and honor. 

Thanks Living, actively giving God the finest and very best— sacrifices of joy! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Thanks Living: God knows me!

Read this quote.  
"I am graven on the palms of His (God's) hands. I am never out of His mind. All my knowledge of Him depends on His sustained initiative in knowing me. I know Him, because He first knew me, and continues to know me. He knows me as a friend, One who loves me; and there is no moment when His eye is off me, or His attention distracted for me, and no moment, therefore, when His care falters." J.I. Packer

Now, read it again.  

Wow! If the truth of that quote doesn't encourage your heart and soul—read it again and let the truth sink in—God knows YOU! Wow!

Thanks Living, realizing that God almighty knows me, and cares for me! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Thanks Living: Sacrifices of Joy

And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. Psalm 27:6

God lifts me high above those with thoughts of death and deceit that call for my life. I will enter His presence, offering sacrifices and praise. In His house, I am overcome with joy as I sing, yes, and play music for the Eternal alone. (VOICE)

God holds me head and shoulders above all who try to pull me down. I’m headed for his place to offer anthems that will raise the roof! Already I’m singing God-songs; I’m making music to God. (MSG)

Where in this verse is the word "thanks"? Reading this verse the idea of thanksgiving, is there. David is expressing this thankfulness to God for all that He has done for him.

This was an expression of thanksgiving. 

Thanks Living.

And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. Psalm 27:6

I've been studying this verse for the past week or so... I'm stuck on the phrase "offer sacrifices of joy".
Do I really even understand the concept of "offering sacrifices". Do I contemplate the COST associated with a true sacrifice? Do I take into account the reverence associated with a true sacrifice? Do I realize the need associated with a true sacrifice? Do I even offer a true sacrifice of joy? How do I?

Thanks Living...... offer sacrifices of joy..... something to think about.