What makes you smile?
If you take a minute and think about smiling, something will come to mind and you will start smiling, and may even start giggling. It could be a joke you heard, or an incident that happened, or something silly you did. No matter what, there are certain things, which when we remember them, make us smile.
I think it's time we schedule
"smile time" into our days.
There is something about a smile that makes you feel good. It's been said that a smile is joy bubbling up from inside. I agree.
The other day a friend told about her son wanting "rooster juice". She had no idea what he was talking about. So the little boy went to the frig and pointed to the Apple juice box with "Big Bird" on it. Each time I think of that I smile. How cute, Rooster Juice!
If you've been reading my blog, you know that I've been dealing with a higher than normal pain level as I had to go off my medications for a new treatment. I was finding it harder to smile, when I just wanted to cry.
God realized this and provided something to help! I stopped at a store to buy a new pillow. However the store didn't have the pillow I wanted, but did have a VERY CUTE little Snowman! (See picture) As I passed the display I smiled, and even giggled. I continued shopping, but couldn't get that snowman out of my mind. I returned to the display and put one in my cart. "SnowCone" now sits in the living room where I can see him. Each time I look at him, I smile. I have no idea why. It could be his silly smile.
I wonder how many other times, God has provided something special to make me smile, but I was too focused on my pain, or worry, or whatever, to see it. Each day God provides exactly what I need. And that includes things to smile about.
Psalm 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."Psalm 94:19 "When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul."Proverbs 15:30 "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones."
"SnowCone" is a good reminder to smile. No matter what is happening, God is greater than the situation. Even if the situation seems hopeless....God provides HOPE! God loves EACH of US with an unconditional love. That fact alone makes me smile.
Yes, there are 'bad' things in the world. But God has overcome the world to provide Hope, Love, and Eternal Life to those who believe in Him.
If you really want to enjoy a positive day, then schedule some SMILE time. Take a moment to remember something special that makes you smile. You will feel better and your day will take on a new focus.
is as easy
as smiling
as smiling
at a silly snowman!