Thursday, October 25, 2018

Blessings Celebration - 18 Years

The year was 2000. The month, October. I can see the apartment as though I was standing in it right now. The green sofa facing the window. The TV in the far right corner. It was late at night, and I was working on getting a book ready for the printer. The deadline was in the morning. I hadn't been feeling well, as I had bronchitis. Over most of it not, just a deep cough remained.

Uncomfortable, I repositioned myself to sit up more on the sofa so I could continue working. Then I coughed. I felt an explosion in my back. Slowly I rolled off of the sofa, onto the floor. I laid there, trying to get up the strength and courage to move. Finally, I rolled over and crawled back to the sofa and slowly stood up. Gingerly, I walked to the bathroom, to get ready for bed. 

The morning came all too quickly. The pain in the back was intense and that made getting ready and to the Office very difficult. I finished the book and sent the file to the Pre-press department, and I prepared to go home. 
A friend saw me and noticed that I was hurting. She mentioned that she knew a great chiropractor and even had a free first visit coupon. That was the first of MANY blessings that God would provide along this journey. 

Had I known on October 25, 2000, what the next 18 years would hold......well, I don't think I would have made it passed that first night. BUT GOD—He knows when and how to send encouragement along the way! The blessings are abundant and my God is a gracious God who loves me! 

Please join me on this Blessings Celebration day, and take time to thank God for His goodness, and count your blessings! 

You, O Eternal, are the One who lays all good things in the laps
of the right-hearted. Your blessings surround them like a shield.
Psalm 5:12 (VOICE)