Friday, May 24, 2013

Beyond My Imagination

This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 57. Here is what I learned.

For Your amazing mercy ascends far into the heavens; Your truth rises above the clouds. Psalm 57:10 (VOICE)

Your ·love [loyalty] ·reaches to [is greater than] the ·skies [heavens], your ·truth [faithfulness] to the clouds. Psalm 57:10 (EXB)

"For thy mercy is great unto the heavens." Right up from man's lowliness to heaven's loftiness mercy reaches. Imagination fails to guess the height of heaven, and even thus the riches of mercy exceed our highest thoughts. The Psalmist, as he sits at the cave's mouth and looks up to the firmament, rejoices that God's goodness is vaster and sublimer than even the vaulted skies. "And thy truth unto the clouds." Upon the cloud he sets the seal of his truth, the rainbow, which ratifies his covenant; in the cloud he hides his rain and snow, which prove his truth by bringing to us seedtime and harvest, cold and heat. Creation is great, but the Creator greater far. Heaven cannot contain him; above clouds and stars his goodness far exceeds. The Treasury of David

“Heaven cannot contain him; above clouds and stars his goodness far exceeds.” Far exceeds. Greater than I could even imagine. Beyond my comprehension. 

I’m so thankful that I don’t need to grasp God’s amazing mercy toward me. I only need to accept it. 

To create a positive day, is realizing that God and His amazing mercy is well beyond my imagination. 

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