Friday, October 27, 2017

Study of Psalm 119. Psalm 119:29

This continues the study of Psalm 119.  (Start the series here:

God Provides (by Rhonda Sawtelle)
Psalm 119: God's Word....

vs. 29: Provides Understanding

Remove from me the way of lying, and grant me Your law graciously. Psalm 119:29

Remove from me - Take it from me; cause it to depart; let me not be under its influence or power.
The way of lying - Every false, deceitful, hypocritical way. We are not to suppose that the psalmist was addicted to lying, but that he felt he was, like all people, in danger of acting from false views, from wrong motives, or under the influence of delusion and deceit. 
And grant me thy law graciously - The knowledge of thy law; grace to obey thy law. The single word rendered “grant graciously” is a word which implies the idea of mercy or favor. It was not a thing which he claimed as a right; it was that for which he was dependent on the mercy of God.Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible

"False News" is the buzz word of the day. But what really is "false news"? Is it news which we disagree? Is it news that shocks us? What is the determining factor that classifies news as false? 

The way of lying seems to be the way of life. People say whatever they want, if it promotes their cause, or justifies their actions. Oh, it doesn't matter if it's not based on facts—as no one check to see if it's true if it sounds good. 

However, God has set the standard. And "False" anything is not just an opinion, it's lying! We need to stop justifying sin and call it what it is. They only way to know the truth is to study the facts—and that begins with God's Word.

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