Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fear Eraser

Throughout this year, each day of the month, I'm "Treasure Hunting" in a Psalm. I've created a "Ponder Every Morsel of Truth" Book to record the truths as I learn them. The Twentieth of each Month, I'm studying Psalm 27. Here's what Treasure I found today.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 (NRSV)

The Lord is my lightening, and mine health; whom shall I dread? The Lord is defender of my life; for whom shall I tremble [for whom shall I quake]? Psalm 27:1 (WYC)

Light: as source enlightenment & prosperity; light & salvation; from the word meaning “God Himself-He is Light”.

Salvation: deliverance, rescue, salvation, safety, welfare.

Fear: be afraid of. 

Is the defense: a place or means of safety, protection, stronghold, from the word meaning to take or seek refuge.

Dread: be in dread, trembling fear, be in the state of fear, dread. 

FACT: God, of deity Yahweh, is the absolute light; the very source of life and light. In contrast to darkness. Physical darkness, or “being in the dark”, not knowing can create fear. I need to recognize that God is Light, Himself, and therefore, there is nothing to fear. God is in control.  

FACT: Because God is in control and my source of life and light, is there anyone of whom I should be afraid? God is the ALMIGHTY. No one compares to Him. Therefore, there isn’t anyone I need to be afraid of, or fear.

FACT: Yahweh is the not only provides a place of security, but a means of safety and protection. I need to understand that when I  am afraid I can find security and rest in God. 

FACT: Fear is real. Fear is powerful. Being so afraid that one trembles, or dreads something so much it causes physical reactions, is a reality. 

FACT: If I truly believe that God is the very source of light and life, that He is in control, that He is the Almighty God, then there is no one, or thing, of which I need to be afraid. I have a safe place to go and find peace. 

To create a positive day, I need to remember that circumstances, people, things, do not have the power that God has. God is my security. God is my safe haven. God is my “fear eraser”.

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