Sunday, August 9, 2015

Trust Based on Sight

And Israel saw that great work which the Lord did against the Egyptians, and the people [reverently] feared the Lord and trusted in (relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord and to His servant Moses. Exodus 14:31 (AMP)
The Israelites had just been led out of Egypt and WALKED across the dry land of the Red Sea. God had miraculously delivered them from the hand of the Egyptians. Exodus 14:31 is the response as they looked back at the Red Sea, and the dead Egyptians. They were now delivered. 

They SAW the GREAT WORK the did. And their response was REVERENT fear and TRUST in the Lord. 

There is something being said for SEEING and then trusting. That can be good as recognizing what God has done is very appropriate and it should be seen, recognized, and remembered. However, if trust is BASED on sight, then trust can be short lived. 

We see that with the Israelites. For in Chapter 15, three days into their wilderness journey, they could not find water, so the murmuring and complaining  started and DISTRUST set in among the Israelites. 3 Days into their journey..... (Exodus 15:22).... and they forgot what GREAT WORK the Lord had done. 

Trust based on sight is short-lived for as the scenery changes often the trust is misplaced as well. Trust is not to be based on WHAT as been done, but rather WHO is involved in the doing. Trust based on sight, is too often blurred by our doubts, our anxiety, our circumstances. Trust based IN God Almighty is steadfast, for He does NOT CHANGE! He is not only worthy of trust, He has proven Himself faithful for generations, and He is the One who knows what the future holds. 

Trust based on sight is not true trust. Rather it is short-sighted trust, based on ME and what I can see or have seen. And since my sight is limited to only what effects me, or the present, I do not get the big picture of what God is doing. 

Seeing what God has done and giving Him honor for it, is the respectable thing to do. Recognizing all that God has done is part of having a heart permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31 MSG). However, if I truly have a deep sense of reverence for God, then my trust will NOT be based on sight, rather my trust will be PLACED in GOD—period.  When my heart is permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God, my trust will not be short-sighted. 

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