Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Superhuman Energy

For this I labor [unto weariness], striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me. Colossians 1:29 (AMP)
Superhuman energy. (AMP) 
His amazing power and energy surge within me. (VOICE)
Christ’s mighty energy. (TLB)
Christ’s great strength that works so powerfully in me. (EXB)

Often I'm amazed at what I can do, when it's a God-designed assignment. In Nov-Dec 2014, my Mom was in the hospital for 6 weeks. Each day, I drove to the hospital and spent many hours there. Yet, even though my pain level increased greatly, God continued to give me strength, especially on the days I need to stay longer to meet with the Doctors. Looking back, I know that the only way that I endured those weeks, was because of God's power and strength. 

It was a good example, that when God has a specific assignment He will supply ALL the is needed to accomplish the task—especially, when it involves sharing His Gospel and teaching His Word. 

Noticing that it is a strength and energy from God is important, because reliance upon God is vital to allowing Him to work in and through me. Sadly, many times, I want to do it "myself" and time and time again, I only make a mess of things. When I step back and allow God do supply the energy and the necessary instructions, then He is glorified and I am equipped to complete His task. 

A specific assignment completed with God's superhuman energy begins when I am permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31; MSG).

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