Thursday, October 19, 2017

Pray for Jami

Looking for some prayer warriors! 
My friend, Jami, has started a new series of medical treatments. This will be a long process and I'd like to get a team of people committed to praying for her. 
If you'd like to join me, please comment on the day(s) that you will pray for her. You can pick one a month (like on the 19th), or you can pick a day of the week (Wed), or pick several times (daily, 2x a week, etc). I'd like you to be specific. 
Please pray for the following:

1. Jami's spirit. Dealing with any chronic condition can be discouraging. When you don't feel well, the spirit needs extra support. Let’s be praying that Jami will be encouraged during the treatments. #GoJoy

2. Jami's treatments. That her body would accept the "army" that will help her heal. #GoArmy 

3. This prayer is a big one, almost seems impossible. BUT GOD! God has resources and means to provide. Let’s ask God to supply each and every need. (And if you want to donate, please do! The link is below.) #GoMoney

4. This prayer is all-encompassing. In Tune means that everything is working in harmony. That includes all aspects of life. Living with a chronic illness not only impacts the individual but the family and friends. Let’s pray that not only will Jami be “in tune”, but that God will bring peace and harmony to all those around her. #GoInTune


Let’s go TEAM!

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