Saturday, October 24, 2015

Proverbs 7: 1, 2: In My Mind

My son, keep my words, and treasure my commands within you. Keep my commands and live, and my law as the apple of your eye. Proverbs 7:1, 2

Keep: observe = follow dictates of prudence, justice, kindness, wisdom
Treasure: hide, hoard, "Treasure Up"
Commands: of code of wisdom

Law: instruction
Apple of your eye: the pupil (of the eye), center

I enjoy music. Usually have music playing no matter what I'm doing. And I find that words, smells, events can easily trigger song lyrics to run through my mind. Often I am amazed that I can recall the words. "I didn't know I knew the lyrics to that song." Yet, because I had been listening to the songs many numerous times, I had "treasured up" the lyrics in my mind.

This is what I am SUPPOSED to be doing with God's wisdom and instruction. If I hear it and read it enough, it will be "Treasured Up" in my mind, so that when I find myself in a situation, I can recall God's wisdom. 

On Sept 13, 2015 I wrote about #TreasureUp (You can read it here:

God has "treasured up" wisdom—it's available for me, whenever I want it. And one keys to put His wisdom to good use is to "treasure up" wisdom in my heart and mind. If I want to but something into action, I must KNOW it. And in order to KNOW it, I must learn it and retain that knowledge. 

In order to accept and want to learn God's wisdom, I must have a heart that is permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God. For when I respect God, I'll want to learn and accept His wisdom and put that wisdom into action. 

What is in my mind for me to remember?

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