Thursday, September 24, 2015

Proverbs 3:6: Practice Being Wise

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6

In all: the direction of the whole, every
Your ways: course of life, or action, undertakings, including moral character, good sense.
Acknowledge: learn to know, perceive with added idea of observing, taking note of, know by experience, recognize, be wise
Direct: make smooth, straight, in ethical sense
Paths: of course & fortunes of life, mode of living, or of character

Acknowledge. Take note of.  

When asked why I blog.. it's so that I can "remember" all that God has taught me. I often take time to go back and re-read blog posts. And sadly, as I read them... I realize that I have forgotten lessons God taught me, and blessings He's supplied. 
Throughout Scripture, God tells people to build monuments, or do certain things to remember things God has done. It's important to remember. Take note of what God has done and is doing. Take note of what God says in the Bible. Take note of what God is teaching. Take note of. 

Acknowledge. Take not of. Know by experience. 

Do. Experience helps cement the "knowing". Book knowledge is good, but actual hands-on experience cements that knowledge into our hearts and mind. Think about it for a minute. Which surgeon would you rather have: 1. Who has read all the books on the subject, but has NEVR performed any surgeries. 2. One who has read the books, and has gone through resident training, spent time practicing surgeries (usually on cadavers), and has performed the surgery on live people. Book knowledge vs Experience.

Acknowledge. Take not of. Know by experience. Be wise. 

Sadly, so often we take note of, learned by experience..... only to act foolishly. The key is to learn, know, experience and put all that into use—be wise. Just because you KNOW something doesn't mean that you'll make wise choices or act wisely. For there has to be follow-through. Practice being wise. 

Acknowledge. Take note of. Know by experience. Be wise. Then God can easily direct you on the path of life He has chosen for you. 
The very first aspect of Acknowledging God is to fear Him (Proverbs 1:7). When a heart is permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31 MSG), then it is ready to accept God's Wisdom and then one can take note of and practice being wise. 

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