Monday, July 7, 2014

A little word, turned into BIG blessing!

Talk about a GOD who knows how to take care of DETAILS! 
I moved from Florida in March 1994. At that time I owned a 1990 Ford. I moved back to Florida in June 2014 and now own a 2012 Ford. 
I went to finish the Florida registration process for my car today. (I had to wait for FL to get my title from the bank in IL.)

The song playing on the CD, as I pulled into the Driver's place, was "He's Been Faithful" Damaris Carbaugh. 

As the lady was working on my information, the system would not let her give me a handicap plate, even though I qualified. Come to find out, I was STILL in their system from 20 years ago with the 1990 car. The lady and her manager tried to merge my accounts, but that wouldn't work. So the lady helping me called Tallahassee. They got the accounts merged. Come to find out back when I bought the 1990 car, it was entered in the system as a "lease" rather than "buy". So, my record stayed in the system...... for over 20 years! 

Why is that LITTLE detail so important? Because, since I owned a FL car.... I was able to get the Florida DISCOUNT.. and we aren't talking just a few dollars..... My Heavenly Father, the God of Details, used the little world "lease", to save me $229.00! WOW!!!! 

And when I went to leave and turned on the car, I heard.... "He's been faithful, yes, He's been faithful to me. Yes, looking back His love and mercy I see....." 
So thankful that MY GOD is a God of Details, and continues to take care of me. He's so awesome! 

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