Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Grasping at Shiny Bubbles

This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 96. Here is what I learned.

Honor and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. Psalm 96:6 (AMP)

Greatness and grandeur are in front of him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Psalm 96:6 (CEB)

Honor and majesty precede Him; strength and beauty infuse His holy sanctuary. Psalm 96:6 (VOICE)

Honour and majesty are before him. Men can but mimic these things; their pompous pageants are but the pretence of greatness. Honour and majesty are with him and with him alone. In the presence of Jehovah real glory and sovereignty abide, as constant attendants.
Strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. In him are combined all that is mighty and lovely, powerful and resplendent. We have seen rugged strength devoid of beauty, we have also seen elegance without strength; the union of the two is greatly to be admired. Do we desire to see the "sublime and beautiful" at one glance? Then we must look to the eternal throne. In the Chronicles we read strength and gladness; and the two renderings do not disagree in sense, for in the highest degree in this instance it is true that "a thing of beauty is a joy for ever." Not in outward show or parade of costly robes does the glory of God consist; such things are tricks of state with which the ignorant are dazzled; holiness, justice, wisdom, grace, these are the splendours of Jehovah's courts, these the jewels and the gold, the regalia, and the pomp of the courts of heaven. The Treasury of David

How often am I intrigued by something that looks amazing? Yet, I am soon disappointed as I learn that what appeared amazing was only an illusion. 

So often, I become discontented with my life, situation. The “if onlys” begin. If only I had this, If only I had that, If only I lived there, If only..... the list goes on. But in reality looking for contentment in shiny things is futile, unsatisfactory, just plain pointless! 

In contrast, when I look to God for my contentment, and behold His majesty and honor and strength and beauty.... WOW! There is true substance in God, unlike the shiny bubbles of the world that pop just as I try to grasp them. God provides solid real and honest-to-goodness substance! 

To create a positive day, and truly be content, I need to stop grasping at shiny bubbles and reach for the honest-to-goodness substance that only God can provide 

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