Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm in the middle of a huge project. My apartment will be remodeled the beginning of May. That means I have to move out for a few days. Since I have to pack everything for the move, I'm trying to get rid of half of everything I own. Why half? Several reasons. 1. I simply have too much stuff. 2. It will be cheaper and easier to move with less. 3. It's time to get rid of stuff I haven't used for years! 4. I to start fresh in a "new" apartment... without all the old stuff. 
Of course, there are somethings which I will keep, no matter the age. But it sure feels good to purge. It's amazing how much stuff I've accumulated in 16 years! Yes, I've been in this apartment for 16 years. Perhaps that explains why I have so much......stuff. 

All this physical purging makes me think of my spiritual life. Do I need to purge my spiritual life too? Do I have preconceived ideas of God or how He works? Do I have "stuff" which doesn't fit into God's plan? Do I fill my life with 'religious' stuff, rather than God's truth? 

Just as I had to be motivated to purge my apartment, sometimes, God creates situations to make us purge our spiritual lives. I look back to when I first injured my back...I was doing okay spiritually....but God knew I needed to "clean house". I had some ideas of how God would work, or could work—and my views put limits on God. Of course, if you had said I "limited God", I would have thought you were crazy. God can not be limited....yet, I was doing just that. God has taught me to re-evaluate my beliefs and search for the truth about God.

Sometimes, we think of purging as a punishment. But it's not. It's simply getting rid of the 'old' to allow room for the 'new'. I don't feel deprived because I getting rid of stuff, rather it is very freeing and refreshing. 

Throughout Scripture, many had to be taught truths about God. Job had to do a great deal of searching to find the truth about God. He couldn't rely on his "friends" to teach him the truth, because they had preconceived ideas about God.  Job had to look to God to learn the truth. In the New Testament, Paul spends a great deal of time teaching Christians to look at God's truth, rather than the 'religion's rules' the people had known all their lives. 

As I continue to purge my apartment, I want to continue purging my spiritual life as well. I don't want to hold on to old beliefs if they aren't truth. The only way for me to know if what I believe is truth or just "ideas" is to search the Scriptures. I'm excited to see what new and exciting truths I learn about God as I purge. 

It's exciting to purge and start new. That is one thing I love about each day. No matter what day I created the day before.... I have a new slate to create a positive day. And when I create a positive day, it's a great building block for the next day.

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