Saturday, March 25, 2017

One-Purpose Mind! (James)

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8

Double-minded: wavering, uncertain, doubting; vacillating in opinion or purpose
Unstable: inconstant, restless
Ways: in all his purposes and actions

I don't know. I'm unsure. What should I do? Maybe. Perhaps. Yes, well wait, no. We've all had times when indecision seems to haunt us. Did we make the right choice? Is this really what I should do? 

Indecision and questioning past decisions can be used by Satan to keep us from fully trusting God. In our lives will face many opportunities to make decisions. Some are easy. Some take much thought. Some are life-changing. James 1:5—8 are about the art of using wisdom—the wisdom that God gives. When we make choices based on wisdom from God, then we know for certain, no matter what happens, we made the right choice! 

As I read the definition of the word, "double-minded"-vacillating in opinion or purpose-the idea of an oscillating fan came to mind. Forever turning, never focusing on any one area. Quickly moving back and forth. The oscillating indecisions will create a restlessness and that will affect my actions and my overall purpose. 

The key to having a one-purpose mind and stability in purpose and actions is using the art of wisdom—God's wisdom!

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