Sunday, February 5, 2017

For. Benefit. Betterment.

Hebrews: Jesus Christ is better - 
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. Hebrews 2:9
Made lower: to be made less or inferior, in dignity
Suffering: an enduring, undergoing, suffering
Crowned: to crown as victor
Glory: infinite, intrinsic worth (substance, essence)
Honor: a value, esteem (especially of the highest degree), or the dignity itself, precious, price
Grace: contains the idea of kindness which bestows upon one what he has not deserved
Taste Death: experience
For: or one's safety, for one's advantage or benefit; one who does a thing for another, is conceived of as standing or bending 'over' the one whom he would shield or defend;  "for the betterment (advantage) of," i.e. focusing on benefit
Everyone: "each, every" means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time."

As I read Hebrews 2:5-9 this morning in preparation for hearing Sunday's message, I focused on verse 9. As I studied verse 9, the word "for" caught my attention. 
For: one's safety, for one's advantage or benefit; one who does a thing for another, is conceived of as standing or bending 'over' the one whom he would shield or defend;  "for the betterment (advantage) of," i.e. focusing on benefit
Jesus Christ suffered and died — for MY benefit. For the betterment of me! There is NO way I could pay for my sin. There was no way for me to enter the presence of a Holy God. So for my benefit, Jesus died. 

So, thankful that Jesus is God and overcame death and hell! Because He lives, I too will live forever! 
God's plan of salvation is only possible, because Jesus Christ was willing to be made less and endured the cross and death. 

For. Benefit. Betterment. 

To hear Pastor Osborne's sermon on Hebrews 2:5-9, visit this website: 

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