Monday, July 4, 2016

Chronological: Promises


What does the word promise mean? One dictionary defines as such: an express assurance on which expectation is to be based.

As we look at the life of Abraham beginning in Genesis 12, we see something that is no unique to Abraham nor the time in which he lived— his actions did not always reflect the belief that God keeps His promises. 

God is always faithful. God is truthful. God keeps His promises. Abraham's actions are often inconsistent with the characteristics of God. 

Genesis 12 begins with a command. "Get out of this place — (go) to another place. That command is followed by the following promises.
I will show you the land. 
I will make you a great nation. 
I will bless you.
I will make your name great—and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those that bless you.
I will curse those that curse you.

Looking at the list of promises, it covers everything. And then we look at Abraham's actions. Sadly, his actions do not convey faith or obedience in God's promises. 

Genesis 12:10-20
Abraham lied. 
Abraham was scared. He thought he'd be killed because his wife Sarai was beautiful and the Egyptians would want her. So, he said Sarai, was is sister not his wife. Due to that lie, the Egyptians were cursed and Abraham and Sarai were  commanded to leave. 

Look at which promises that Abraham forgot at he entered Egypt. Yes, all of them. That's not a good start to Abraham's journey. 

God's Word is full of promises. Do I act as I believe those promises? 
Sadly, too often I am like Abraham, thinking that God doesn't really mean what He says. Or I think that maybe I know better than God. Or that God needs my help. That's just plain wrong thinking—period! That's when I need to stop and remember WHO God is! For when I have a correct thinking and understanding of WHO God is—my actions will then be such that reveal that I do trust God and I want to obey Him. 

Promises. When the promises are made by God Almighty—you can be assured He will keep them! 

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