Monday, August 3, 2015


Boaz did as he said he would. He found the nearest of kin to Naomi. Boaz found the kin and made sure he had witnesses whom others respected. Once he had the kinsman and the witness, he then told the kinsman about the piece of Elimelech's land that was sold, that needed to be bought back for Naomi, in accordance with the law.

In front of the witnesses, Boaz asked the question. 
So, will you buy it back for Naomi? If not, I'll buy back, being the next of kin. 
Once again these verses display that Boaz knew what needed to be done, and did it appropriately. 
The other kinsman, agreed quickly to buying the land.

Reading through Ruth, I am reminded that people are watching. Sometimes at our request, other times, without our knowledge. What are they seeing? What are they witnessing? What do my actions and attitudes reflect? 

Witnesses. What would they give an account about me? If my heart is permeated by a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31 MSG), then they'd see Christ.

"What an incredible witness it is to a lost and fearful society when the Christian acts like a child of God, living under the loving sovereignty of the Heavenly Father."  Henry Blackaby

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