Saturday, April 11, 2015


"We are not called to be perfectly awesome. We are called to be imperfectly faithful, because we have been perfectly loved, liberated, and highly esteemed by the Most High." Scott Sauls 

I was helping a friend with a project this week. And after the project was printed... I found a mistake. Not a small mistake.. a glaring one. 

I have “perfectionist” tendencies. So when I make a mistake—I hate it! I tend to fret over it, even when I can’t change it. Humbling for sure. 

I’ve been studying about God’s grace and mercy. So this fits in well. God because of His grace and mercy forgives us of our sin, but we continue to fret over it and don’t forgive ourselves. We hold it against ourselves and allow it to hinder us from moving forward in our relationship with Christ, or serving Him.

If we truly acknowledge God’s grace and mercy, we then can live in freeness of His love and forgiveness. God’s grace and mercy is all encompassing! When I hold on to the past, I’m telling God that He cannot forgive those sins. WOW. That is NOT Truth! God has forgiven our sins… ALL OF THEM! Praise God!

God’s grace and mercy—
overwhelmingly awesome!

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