Friday, October 24, 2014

Blessings Celebration Day 2014!

There are some days that we never forget. One of those days for me is Oct 25, 2000. That was the day I injured my back. At the time, little did I know all that God had planned as He started me on a new journey. It is now Oct 25, 2014...12 back surgeries and too many to count procedures and treatments later. 

Chronic pain demands attention. By that I mean it makes you change the way you live. Because pain demands attention, I knew that I would have to work hard to keep my focus on the positive. Thus, my philosophy, "Create a Positive Day!".

Each year on the anniversary of my injury, I take time to CELEBRATE the blessings God has given me over the past year. Each year, I am amazed and overwhelmed by God kindness and the creative ways He takes care of me. I highly recommend having a Blessings Celebration! 

Please join me today in thanking God for all the blessings.

It's Blessings Celebration Day!

1 comment:

  1. L5S1Ouch - Nice blog. My husband told me about your blog. He is the white-haired center usher at Faith. I also do a blog, but about birds. I came over to check your blog out. I have rods connecting my S1 to the L5, so I understand some of this. The Lord is great, and He gives us the idea to do these blogs to encourage others and keep our mind off our problems. :) Lord Bless. I'll look you up at church. Lee
