Wednesday, August 14, 2013

“Blast the News”

This year, I'm sharing my "Treasures" of my study of my "Ponder the Morsels" book. I've picked 31 Psalms to study throughout 2013. Today I studied Psalm 150. Here is what I learned.

Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp! Psalm 150: 3 (AMP)

Praise Him with the blast of trumpets high into the heavens, and praise Him with harps and lyres. Psalm 150:3 (VOICE)

Does God hear my praise? Do those around me, hear my praise to God? Or do I praise God silently and very quietly? 

Each and every day I should be blasting on the trumpet—praise to God for who He is! I should be shouting it for all to hear—most importantly for God to hear! Oh, God can hear the quietest whispers, for even my thoughts are words to God.... but why whisper God’s great goodness—that is “blast worthy news!” 

Praise God in prayer is the first way to “blast the news”. The second way to “blast the news” is to tell others about who God is, and what He’s done. And lastly, I need to be living my life in accordance with God’s Word, as a way to “blast the news”. 

How many times have it missed the opportunity to “blast the news” of God’s greatness because I didn’t take the time to notice God? How many times have I missed the opportunity to “blast the news” of God’s greatness to others, because I was more concerned with what they’d say? How many times have I missed the opportunity to “blast the news” of God’s greatness simply because I was too busy? 

To create a positive day I need to “blast the news” of God’s greatness, first to Him, then to those around me. 

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