Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Not Just One Dinner, but Several!

One of my neighbors was moving back to India. Before she moved away, she wanted to treat me to an authentic Indian meal. I do enjoy a variety of ethnic foods, and Indian is one of my favorites. We decided that she'd bring the meal by the following Monday. Not knowing what she'd bring, and if it would fit my vegan, gluten-free diet, I did go ahead and eat dinner. I figured if she brought something I could eat, it would make a nice lunch for the following day. Well, when the clock hit 11:00 pm, I figured that with all the details of moving, she forgot about my dinner.

I wasn't upset that she forgot. I fully understood the huge job of preparing to move back to India. But I was now craving Indian food! I've tried to cook Indian meals in the past, but they never turned out right. Not sure if it was my cooking methods or the spices (never had all I needed). There is a wonderful Indian restaurant near by, however, most of their dishes include milk and or gluten. As each day passed, the craving for Indian food grew, and I had to check my attitude too—frustration over something which I had no control would not create Indian food! 

One of my adopted Soldiers ( is a vegetarian and as I was shopping for food for her box, I found a WONDERFUL surprise! Pre-packaged Indian food that is vegan & gluten free! I know, who would have guessed?

So, instead of getting
just one meal—
I now have several Indian meals
in my pantry!
All I have to do is heat and serve.

As I was thinking back over the past few days, I got to thinking of situations in our lives—some in which we find ourselves, we've created. Other situations are created by others or various circumstances.

Once again, I learned that
my attitude determines
if a situation will be "bad" or "good". 

If I had allowed my attitude to turn to frustration that the neighbor forgot my dinner, bitterness would have turned me off to Indian food. Thus, I would have missed finding new items for my diet. Yet, by having a positive attitude and not having a pity party on missing the dinner, I was excited when I found the new meals. 

I hope next time I find myself in a "less than pleasant" situation, I remember the blessing of Indian food.
Perhaps I can't change the situation,
but I can change my attitude! 

And having a positive attitude
makes for a very positive day!

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