Friday, August 28, 2009

How God Used Sponges!

Today I went to Target to pick up a few things. I wandered from isle to isle looking for cleaning sponges. I thought they'd be by the cleaning soaps and the dusting cloths. I spent about 10 minutes looking for sponges! I finally saw another customer and asked if she knew where the sponges were. She directed me to another area in the store. I found the sponges I needed and went to check out.
The lines were long. I tried to pick one that I thought would move quickly. But the person in front of me, had a problem. So I waited. Then it was my turn. My checkout went smoothly. Went out to my car and put the purchases in the car. I started to drive home. It had been raining all day and was a bit foggy too. I was almost home, when I heard sirens. An accident had JUST happened about 10 cars ahead of me. It was at a very busy intersection near my home. The police arrived, followed by the ambulance and fire trucks. The entire line of traffic slowly worked our way past the ambulance and accident scene. As I drove by, you couldn't tell where the cars were going. They were both heading the wrong way down the opposite side of the road.
As I continued the short drive to my home, all I could think about was my search for sponges! If the sponges would have been in the isle with the cleaning supplies, I might have been at that intersection at the time of the accident.
God is so creative. Today He used the location so sponges to delay me from arriving home so I would avoid an accident. A few years ago, God used Canadian Geese to delay me so I'd avoid an accident (but that's another story!).
The next time I can't find something in the store, or I get stuck in the "longest" line in the store, instead of being frustrated, I think I'll stop and thank God for the delay, for whatever the reason.

Today, a frustrating hunt turned into accident avoiding delay. Sometimes, we don't see the positive thing that happened because we were delayed or had to take a detour. The next time you are delayed take a moment to consider it could turn out to be a very positive occurrence! Creating a positive day is being willing to know that God controls our lives and He is working for our good.

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