Thursday, September 14, 2017

Hurricane Irma • September 2017

September 10, 2017 Irma headed to Florida. She decided to travel inland rather than stay along the coast. However, due to her size, the entire State was impacted. I live in Winter Haven. 

As Irma approached the winds and rain began with a vengeance. This was not an ordinary rain shower. 

The beginning of Irma.
Slowly, power in the area began to go out. I had power until 9:55pm Sunday night. The wind howling, the rain hitting the windows, and not being able to see anything—total darkness....... I thought I'd be scared, yet I had total peace. 
I knew for a fact that all the inhabitants of the Castle belonged to God. And I knew for a fact that the Castle is God's. So, I figured that God who controls the wind, could protects us. And if He didn't, then He'd take care of anything that happened. I have learned over the years, that God is trustworthy and faithful. He may not always work in ways that I understand, but He never changes who He is. All that He does and allows is to accomplish His will. 
After losing power, I figured there wasn't really anything to do, so I headed to bed. Listening to the storm outside, I fell asleep. Throughout the night, as the howling increased and the trees came crashing down, I awoke. However, I was able to go back to sleep. 

Monday morning, it was still raining and very windy! Yet, as the day lightened, I could begin to see the damage that Irma did. Out the front window, I could see part of the pool fence was down, and there were some small branches scattered on the front lawn. But the huge tree in the front was still standing tall! 
When I looked out the Lanai..... WOW! Behind my back fence is a "forest" of trees. There was a path of trees that was totally shorn off at the top, with huge branches just thrown about. However, not a single large branch landed in the Castle's yard! Only a few small branches and leaves. Even the bean tressels which were just a few feet from the trees, remained standing tall! 
It was as though God put a huge bubble around the Castle. Debris was scattered around, but no flooding, or damage to the Castle. I learned on Monday, that the street drain had become plugged with debris and there was at one point, knee-deep water in the street. It flooded a couple of the homes garages. A neighbor cleaned out the drain and allowed the water to quickly drain away, before it was deep enough to flood the Castle's garage. 

As the storm continued to pass through the area, I then realized just how calm and at peace I really was. I wasn't afraid. I felt totally safe in the Castle. The peace wasn't because of anything I did to make the Castle safe. The peace was due to the fact that I fully trusted God and knew His power and ability. I knew that no matter what happened to the Castle, that God would supply my needs. He always has, and always will. 

True peace in the midst of a Category 2 Hurricane — only because I know Almighty God! 

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