Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Thanks Living: Awareness & Action

As I think about "Thanks Living", I realized that I must first learn what "Thankful" means. As I started thinking about it, I found it hard to define. 

Dictionaries define it this way: 
Thankful: A feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative. Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful. Pleased and relieved. Glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or someone exists, etc.
accountable • answerable for • appreciative • at peace • beholden • cheerful • comfortable • content • glad • grateful • gratified • honor-bound • indebted • much obliged • obliged • overwhelmed • pleased • relieved • satisfied • under an obligation

In trying to grasp what "Thanks" or "Thankfulness" is, I found it hard to define. It encompasses several aspects. But first and foremost I must recognize Who and I am to thank, and why I am thankful

That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Your wondrous works.  Psalm 26:7 (NKJV)
Singing God-songs at the top of my lungs, telling God-stories. Psalm 26:7 (MSG)

Thanksgiving is not just a feeling, it requires awareness (of what was done/or given) and action (response to the giver). In order to create a life that is "Thanks living" I must have an awareness of what God is doing and take action in giving thanks to Him.

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