Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Proverbs 3:16-18: False Advertisement?

Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her. Proverbs 3:16-18
Length of days: according to (the length of) thy life
Her right hand/left hand: wisdom personified
Riches: far richer, wealth, fortune
Honor: splendor, glory, of external condition and circumstances

Ways: duty, journey, manner
Pleasantness: agreeableness, delight, suitableness,
Paths: course of life
Peace: completeness, soundness, welfare, safety

Tree: figurative of source of (life and) happiness
Life: sources (origin and direction) of life
Take hold of: seize, catch
Happy: be made happy, blessed
Retain: grasp, lay hold of

As I read these verses, it reminded me an advertisement. Look at all the great things wisdom has to offer! And unlike most advertisements today, there are not adverse side-effects. 
Perhaps some are thinking as they read these verses, that Wisdom is participating in false advertising. They aren't rich, their life isn't "delightful", they aren't content, they aren't happy—rather they are struggling and frustrated and overwhelmed with life and responsibilities. 

Yes, life and responsibilities can be hard, however, when handled with true wisdom, decisions are easier and we have peace that God is in control and overseeing each and every detail. We can rest and relax in the safety of God Almighty. 

There is no false advertisement here regarding what Wisdom offers. Rather, if we are not enjoying the God given bounties of peace and joy—it's that we are not receiving His gift of wisdom. Remember a heart must be permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God (Acts 9:31 MSG), to accept Wisdom and life in accordance to that wisdom. No false advertisement here—just false reality for not applying wisdom correctly. 

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