Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Dark Side

We've had a mix of weather lately. There's been snow, rain, freezing rain, and warm temperatures. Guess that's normal for Chicago February/March weather.

The only snow left on the ground are a few melting piles leftover from when the plows cleared the blizzard. The other day, as I was leaving for my chiropractic appointment, I wasn't really paying attention to the parking lot, since it was clear of snow. However, as I approached the driver's side of my car, WHOA, there was a sheet of ice!

The car blocked the sun, creating a 'dark side' and the ice hadn't melted yet. I very carefully, edged my way along the car, to the door and climbed in—all without falling, thankfully.

As I sat in the car for a moment, I looked out on the patch of ice again. It was the length of my car and about 2 feet wide. The sunny side of my car, was clear. However, the 'dark side' was a sheet of dangerous ice.

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. John 3:19 (NIV)
Often when we think of darkness we think of evil. When we are involved in sin, we want to be hidden, not only from others, but from God. (Although God sees all.) Consider how many crimes are committed in the darkness of night, or masks are worn to "stay in the dark".

However, as I thought more about the ice patch on the 'dark side', I realized that often, I'm not trying to hide from God—really—rather I've just become cold and frozen to doing His will.
Staying on the 'dark side' I don't have to make changes in my life, I won't be responsible for obeying God's Word. The more time I spend reading the Bible, the more truths I learn. And when I learn those truths, I have a responsibility to act on those truths.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105
God's Word is the light (sunshine). And if I allow His Word to work in my heart and life, it melts the ice and coldness of sin and indifference. Rather than living on the 'dark side', I'd want to live in the sunshine of God's Word and grow.
If I want to create a positive day, I have leave the 'dark side' and allow God's light to shine on me and allow God to work in my life.

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