We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. 1 Thessalonians 1:2
Give thanks: to be grateful, actively to express gratitude
Always: at all times, always, ever
Making: to do
Mention: be mindful of, remind oneself actively (purposefully); actively bring to mind
Prayers: earnest prayer
For you.
People impact our lives on a daily bases. Some frustrate us. Some encourage us. And some bless us beyond measure. And EACH one can be used by God to teach us something about Him and living a life pleasing to Him.
For you.
First, we see from Paul's example, that we are to Give Thanks for others. Say Thank you to God for introducing us to others. Introducing us to those that encourage us and those that teach us.
Lastly, Paul gives us the example of how we express our thanks to God, through prayer. And not just a "thank you God." and then forget it. Rather this is an EARNEST prayer.
Earnest: serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely
Praying with intention and purpose. Making a point to thank God for each person that God introduces us to.
For you.
Thanks Living is praying intentionally for each person God brings into our lives. Give thanks to God for each one, and pray intentionally for each person. That is not only the right thing to do, it's a blessing to uphold others before our great God!
For you.
Give thanks and pray intentionally for others—that is the right thing to do when living a life of Thanks Living!
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