I always find it interesting that there are just as many sales AFTER Christmas as before. We are so "preoccupied with getting". It's returning the gifts because the color is wrong, or because it wasn't really want you wanted, or you decided something bigger, smaller, or whatever, would be better.
"What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
Matt 6:31-33 (The Message)
So often we find ourselves preoccupied with what we WANT, that we ignore our needs, or miss out of the gifts God has for us.
Often God has a gift for us
that is greater than we could comprehend.
Need an example? My grills.
God provided a nice small charcoal grill in July 2010. I was so happy! It was small but the food sure tasted great. I was extremely happy just to have a grill, the size didn't really matter.
But God had even
GREATER gifts in store for me.
In Oct 2010, God gave me a HUGE 4-burner grill. This grill was SO LARGE that it didn't fit on my balcony.
Did God make a mistake? He gave me a very small grill, than an EXTRA LARGE grill.
NO, He did NOT make a mistake!
Rather He had a greater plan in mind.
So, instead of ONE grill,
God gave me THREE—
small, large, and "just right".
I had wanted a grill for several years. I priced them and in fact almost bought one several times. However, each time I considered making the purchase, I knew that spending the money on a grill was not the wisest thing to do. I had to change my thinking from being preoccupied with getting and allow God to GIVE, in His time in His Way.
As I look back over the past few months and how God worked out all the grill details, I am so thankful that I allowed God to give me His gifts. If I had purchased a grill, I would have missed out on so much, not to mention my friends wouldn't have been blessed with their new grill.
This year (and beyond), I want to continue to evaluate my motives and my desires.
Am I preoccupied with getting?
Or am I focused on God-reality,
God-initiative, God-provisions?
If I focus my thoughts and actions on God and His will for me, He'll supply my needs in His time and in His way. And often He gives some unique and wonderful gifts too!
Creating a positive day
is not about focusing
on the things I need or want,
but rather focusing on God
and is loving care for me.