As I've spent time reflecting
on the year God designed
I saw God's attention to detail and
many demonstrations of His amazing love.
Enjoyed continuing the Damaris Carbaugh Bible Study. Looking back over the study, I think the thing which amazed me the most was God's specific timing of each lesson. I'm grateful that the Leader, followed God's prompting in choosing the order of the songs for the Study. God knew exactly what I should be studying at a particular time, to keep me focused on Him as He worked in my life.
February20 inches of snow brought out demonstrations of neighbors helping neighbors. There was no way I could dig my car out of the snow drifts (the car was covered-see the green arrow to the right!). However, neighbors worked together to make sure my car was able to drive out of the pile of snow.
MarchSince Jr. High, I've worn glasses and each year, I've needed a new prescription. Yet, this year, my prescription did not change! That was great news, since I didn't need to replace my prescription sunglasses. I only had to buy on pair of glasses to replace the pair I broke. I wonder if the vegan, gluten-free diet helped with improving my eyesight? I know that the diet is much healthier for me.
On April 13th, God called my sister home to Heaven after a 4-year battle with cancer. Although I miss my sister, she is now rejoicing in Heaven with our Heavenly Father—that is the greatest blessing for us all! There were also additional blessings which God provided. A friend was able to drive me to Macon, so I could be there for the services. Both my brothers were able to attend, also. And my brothers and I were able to spend some time with our parents.
At first, the idea of having several apartment inspections didn't seem like much of a blessing. However, the reason for the inspections is a great blessing! These inspections are necessary so that I can receive reduced rent due to my disability. The reduce rent is just one way God supplies my needs. So, the inspections are blessings!
This month had a "hidden blessing". I didn't know it was a blessing until August! On June 9th I took my car in for an oil change and get a "roar" investigated. I spoke with "my guys" at the garage that I didn't want to put much money into fixing this car, as I was looking for a newer one. The roar didn't need to be fixed; however, my brakes were too bad to leave the garage. That was NOT in my plans as I was trying to SAVE money for a down payment. That would mean I'd have to delay the purchase of a new car by several months. Well, in August, I learned that God had a VERY good reason to delay my purchase! (see August for more details!).
Friends. God has blessed me with some AWESOME, godly friends. God provided me with exactly the perfect people to help me grow in grace and knowledge of God.
This month was an OVERFLOWING BLESSINGS month. God really went ALL-OUT this month!!
God made it possible for me to spend a week with some very dear friends. It was a much needed vacation for my body, soul, and spirit. It was an amazing "JOY-CATION!"
God also had a very wonderful blessing waiting for me. God provided a NEW CAR. Not just a "newer" car, but a BRAND NEW 2012 Ford Fiesta. I never thought that I'd have a new car. However, back in June, when I had to spend money on the brakes, God knew that this car wouldn't be ready until August, so He created a way to delay upgrading the car. God's timing is ALWAYS perfect!
I started my annual Blessings Celebration early this year. A friend and I were able to attend "My Fair Lady". God's blessings included in this "package" were: 1. a perfect parking spot. 2. a vegan, gluten-free lunch 3. discounted tickets. 4. a wonderful performance of "My Fair Lady". 5. enjoying it all with a wonderful friend.
Eleven years. WOW. Eleven years ago, I injured my back. October 2000. From a totally human perspective, the back injury followed by eleven years of chronic pain is definitely NOT a blessing. Yet, God has used my disability and pain to share His amazing love with others. People from ALL over the world read this blog. And I've developed a deeper and greater love for my God. He has shown OVER and OVER His care and love for me. I love seeing God's attention to detail and His creativity in caring for me. He constantly amazes me with His goodness. Would I like less pain? Yes. But, as God told Paul 2 Cor 12 "My (God's) grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness."
This month God's blessing was made possible with the help of many people. 45 Soldiers will be receiving Bibles for Christmas. It was an wonderful blessing to be able to wrap each Bible, thinking of the wonderful message contained therein—God's great gift of eternal life.
Looking back over the past year, since my 2010 Blessings Celebration, once again, God has showered me with more of His amazing blessings. All I can think to say is "God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good." And that fact make each and every day very positive!